The map above was part of a preliminary soil and site evaluation performed on existing lots that a builder was interested in purchasing. The complex topography and areas of unsuitable soils created a challenging situation. We were able to advise the builder which lots were suitable for development prior to final purchase negotiations.

The Norweco Singulair Green aerobic treatment unit is a cost effective pretreatment unit with an industry leading warranty. Thompson Environmental Consulting has been specifying the Norweco products for many years and continue to be impressed with these units! #SingulairGreen #PretreatmentUnit #AerobicTreatmentUnit

Thompson Environmental is a designer of subsurface drip dispersal systems. We can work with as little as 13 inches of soil when designing these systems! #DripDispersal #AlternativeSepticSolutions

Thompson Environmental Consulting performs saturated hydraulic conductivity testing (Ksat test), lateral flow analyses and seasonal high-water determinations. This test was for the Carolina Malt House in Cleveland, NC. #ksat #seasonalhighwatertable #saturatedhydraulicconductivity